Vote YES For Our Great Outdoors! - Over 30 years ago, Minnesotans voted to dedicate a portion of state lottery proceeds to conservation. Since then, it’s provided over $1 billion for our Great Outdoors. In November, a question to renew this funding will be on the front of every Minnesotan’s ballot. To ensure this critical funding source… Read more
Fall Fest Gratitude - All of us at Chester Bowl want to share our gratitude to the community for a phenomenal Fall Fest! We estimate that we had about 11,000 people come through the park today, visiting our 130 craft vendors and 10 food trucks! This was only possible because of the 100 volunteers… Read more
Fall Fest is ON, Saturday, September 21st - Happy Fall Fest Day! As you get ready for the big event, here are three things you should know: 1. The event is from 9:30 to 4:30 today, Saturday, September 21. 2. Please walk, bike, or take the shuttle buses from UMD Lot B (at the corner of College Street… Read more
Chester Bowl Winter Registration Open through October 13 - Winter registration is now open! We are excited to announce that registration is now open for the 2024/2025 Chester Bowl Winter Program! While this may seem early to begin to think about skiing and snowboarding, winter will upon us soon enough and we have a lot of amazing programming planned.… Read more
Winter Scholarship Update - Chester Bowl exists to make outdoor recreation in Chester Park available to any family regardless of their income or ability to pay. For decades, Chester Bowl has had a scholarship fund that has helped hundreds of families afford to ski, snowboard, and come to summer camp by awarding full or… Read more